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“We’re, like, curious kids!”

Asiste a la novena conferencia de SHIFT INTERNACIONAL 2018.  Ponente: Kristin Papoi

2018-07-03 C.Papoi (3).jpg

Más sobre la ponente y su presentación:

Kristin Papoi is a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she focuses on elementary literacy, arts integration, teacher leadership, emergent bilingualism, and the sociocultural context of schools. She also serves as the faculty coordinator for the Masters of Arts in Teaching program at UNC-CH, which explores the possibilities of experiential learning and its impact on teacher practice. She researches arts integration in literacy and learning practices, with a focus on culturally and linguistically diverse learners. Prior to earning her Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Papoi taught grades 3-5 in Southeast Los Angeles where she was her school’s Arts Cadre Co-Coordinator and Professional Learning Community team leader. In that capacity she also served on a district-wide team to co-develop and train teachers on an AERA award-winning integrated Literacy and Social Studies Model Unit of Study for English & Academic Language Development.

Abstract: This presentation, from a study which won the 2017 AERA Arts & Learning SIG Dissertation Award, explores the affordances of arts-based pedagogies for emergent bilingual students and illuminated the possibilities of multiliteracies to facilitate inquiry-driven spaces of democratic student learning and engagement. A multi-site case study of arts-based programs in Chicago and Los Angeles, findings illuminate how arts-based practices create a valuable, yet often overlooked, pedagogical space for emergent bilingual students that privileges sensemaking through the arts to serve both learning and assessment.

La única persona que está educada es la que ha aprendido cómo aprender y cambiar.
— Carl Rogers


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